Willis Tower – Josh Benn

I was 11 years old when I first fully visited Chicago instead of just passing through like my family always did on our way to Michigan. We walked the streets and saw the sights and it was exciting. Then my uncle said we had to see the Willis Tower and since I was 11 and in a strange city with an upsettingly large crime rate, I didn’t object. We got to the building and I could instantly tell it was the tallest of any other in Chicago. The building looked like it was stacked on top of itself like Legos as far up as the eye can see. I assume the interior lobby was underwhelming because I don’t remember it in the slightest, however that wasn’t the memorable part. We took an elevator that climbed to the 103rd floor as my ears popped from the changing pressure as I reached higher and higher elevations. Then the doors opened and there I was. A room of glass that clearly emphasized just how elevated I really was. I could see the entirety of the city from the other side of Lake Michigan to the next state over (maybe a bit of an overdramatization) but the view felt infinite. As I reached the windows, I noticed one of the coolest things that still has me astonished to this day. There were these glass boxes that were attached to the edge of the building but extended beyond the building itself, this meant that when you stepped out onto the glass box, you could see not only straight out in front of you including left and right, but you could look straight up, and the best part, straight down. If you have ever been 103 stories up and been able to look straight down, you would know that it’s nerve-racking but easily the most thrilling sight you could imagine. Just a few inches of glass between you and a very very long fall. I’ll always remember that building and I especially look forward to going back someday

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