Tyler Tadlock – Blog 3 – The Colosseum


The Colosseum was much different than I was expecting it to look. For one less of the sides were there that I was expecting and none of the arena floor really was left. I actually preferred that the ground was missing it allowed us to see into the animal cages and where all of the high tech theatrics of the day where hidden. this was one of the most high tech structures of the day, with the trap doors and the awnings that people today still don’t know exactly how they worked. As you can see we entered in the same way the gladiators would have entered and as I said in my last post if you take into account the history of where you stand I walked in the footsteps of celebrities of there day an emperor or two and sadly the last steps many people ever took. Being in there it was also much smaller than I was expecting it is said that they re staged an entire navel battle in there one time flooded the arena and everything. When walking in it seems very hard to believe they could fit any ships in there but they did it.

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