Tyler Tadlock – Blog 2 – The Pantheon

The Pantheon is a wonder to me because when I look at it I find it almost unbelievable, When you take into account the dome and the concrete and the techniques used it would be hard enough to do today. When you consider that it was done 2000 plus years ago it blows my mind. The inside looks so good still even after all these years of being rained in you can’t really spot any erosion that would normally be present. The light being funneled through open top of the dome creates an almost religious experience as it spotlights on the different religious or other paintings on the walls around the building as the sun moves across the sky. I think if you are truly aware of where you are and those that have been there before than a building that has stood for as long and through such important times as the pantheon than I think it will always give its guest an awe about it.

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