Tulsa City Hall – Josh Benn

The new-ish Tulsa City Hall building is probably one of the nicest in Downtown Tulsa. That’s from the perspective of my architecturally untrained eye. Nonetheless, it has a very modern look that stands out from the buildings around it like the Williams Tower there in the background that was built, what looks like, a few centuries before I was born (no graceful design to it at all). I got the opportunity to take a look at the inside of City Hall when I was invited to the Mayor’s Fourth of July party on the top floor. The elegant design and modern touch of the exterior carries on through the interior as you realize that every part of the building has a great view (except for the side facing the Williams Tower). The layout was a bit confusing but I’m sure it was no more confusing than Price College of Business was the first few times I walked through there. Tulsa has come a long way and I love to see buildings like the new and improved City Hall taking on a newly updated look.

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