Trinity Hudson-The Alamo-Blog 1

The Alamo is in San Antonio, Texas. It is a historic site built in the 1700s as a home to Spanish missionaries. Over time it turned into a fort for Spanish soldiers. In 1835, a brutal battle between Texans and their fight for independence from Mexico took place. The monument still stands today and has many artifacts to see. it is actually under reconstruction so I’m excited to see what they add or change. Any true Texan feels uplifted when entering the Alamo. Its a sense of pride, almost like the patriotic feeling some get about being an American but times ten. Its how I felt. When I first visited it, I couldn’t believe a building so old was still standing. After reading articles and facts I became overwhelmed with the amount of information. I will admit upon first arrival, it’s much smaller than expected. I left there feeling the mark that Texan soldiers left on Texas. I highly recommend watching the film, “The Alamo” before visiting the historic site.



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