Tinker Youth Center: Blog 3, Tyra Jones

The Tinker Youth Center is located in Oklahoma City on the Tinker Air Force Base. Established in 1976, the building hosts a Boys and Girls Club affiliate organization, that serves children aged 5-18.

Honestly, the building is very ugly. Consisting of tans, grays, and browns, the outside is unappealing and bland. On the inside, it is a mix of styles from the 50’s-esque floor tiles, to modern stainless steel tables to rustic/farm chic decorations thrown about.

I have mixed emotions about the youth center. Growing up, I spent much of my childhood there and I am currently employed as a child and youth specialist. My favorite aspect of the building is the large windows that take up the front walls. They let in a lot of natural light and warmth, which really helps to boost the mood. As an adult, I am frequently angry in this space, so soaking the vitamin D really helps.

On the other hand, the building does not ventilate or insulate well. We are either super cold or way too hot. Also, we have had a terrible mold issue in the gym, that shut us down at one point and persists heavily. I think the building could be used fantastically for other purposes as the various rooms and open spaces have the capacity for really creative design. As the building exists today, it functions to entertain our kids, but I know it has a lot of potential to be better. 

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