The Devon Tower


The Devon Tower is easily the tallest building in Oklahoma City, and one of the tallest buildings in the Midwest.  It dominates OKC’s skyline.  Having grown up in OKC my entire life, I have been here long enough to see the building planned and built.  I was lucky enough to participate in many events in this building during high school.  I was a part of an Oklahoma City Teen Board for two years, and we would have our meeting in downtown OKC and in the base of the tower.  The tower holds memories for me because of this.  I also believe that the tower was part of the reason so much money and new businesses came to the OKC area, helping it prosper and become alive again.  Even if the tower was not the cause of this boom, it was certainly a part of it.  For that reason, this building hold economic and cultural significance for the city of Oklahoma City.

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