Second Blog #1

Louise Sullivan Building #1 

Pictured above is one of Louise Sullivan’s famous buildings. The Auditorium Building in Chicago is one of the best-known designs of Louis Sullivan. The building is a National Historic Landmark, that is known internationally for its acoustics. This building located in Chicago, Illinois. The building was finished in 1889. At the time, the Auditorium Building was the tallest, largest, and heaviest building in Chicago. Sullivan and another architect designed the theatre, which opened in 1889, using the most modern technology at the time, including electric lighting and air conditioning. One fascinating thing in history about the building that I found was that former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley gave speeches on the stage. Then on the same stage, years later, musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Aretha Franklin, and Elton John performed there!

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