Blog, Kenzie Heggie Seattle International Airport

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The Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle Washington was built in 1944, it was built with $1.1 million dollars that was donated by  Civil Aeronautics Administration and The City of Tacoma. Sea Tac might not be a very big airport compared to airports like Denver, but it is the biggest airport in Seattle which allows close to 52 million people to travel. Sea Tac is also ranked 13th for the busiest cargo airport in the country. Sea Tac is trying is become the best airport for the environment, beginning with having the smallest carbon footprint to all others airports.

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I started traveling when I was 3 years old, and ever since than I have went on at least one trip every year. Every time I am in the Sea Tac airport it makes me feel good about myself, it reminds me how lucky I am to get to travel this much. It also reminds me how much  I have already seen and how much more I continue to see.  Sea Tac makes me feel important it make me feel like I am doing something with this life I was given and that I am taking advantage of it. Image result for seattle international airport

I have traveled to many places, seen many things and sometimes I look past the role the Sea Tac airport plays in it. Every time I get onto a plane I always tell myself I am going to feel different when I get back to this airport. The Sea Tac airport carries many of my milestones. I have flown out of it saying i might come back a national champion, I might come back a Texas Tech cheerleader, I might come back happier, I might come back and have made one of the biggest decisions of my life and so on. Every time I get back to the airport something big has happened to me, good and bad. Image result for seattle international airport

When I go to Sea Tac to leave I have expectations of how and who  I am going come back as. I remember coming back sometimes wishing I wasn’t the way I was, or wishing I could go back, or sometimes wishing I wouldn’t have left at all. The Sea Tac airport is more than just a  place that gets me from point A to point B, its a constant remind of what I just did and of what really just happened in my life.

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