Reese McDonald • Minor House • Blog Four

I have no personal experience with this house. That being said, the home located on Avondale Ave. in the Colonial neighborhood of Fort Worth, Texas has become oddly important in my life. This is a home that represents many of the goals in my life. It is a home that encompasses humility and prosperity in a fluid relationship. I used to drive by this house everyday on my way to school and would dream of living and raising a family in a house similar. It is a large two story house perched on a hill that has arguably one of the best views of Fort Worth. It has a beautiful front yard that is littered with wide oaks and simple landscaping. It is a relatively large house but nothing about it is obnoxious or showy. It is a humble house that seems to embody the spirit of Fort Worth. I strive to one day build a house that is similar in nature and for that reason alone this house is very near and dear to me. The home, locally known as the Minor House, was purchased by Texas Christian University and houses the active University Chancellor. The home is host to a number of parties and events and is well received within our community. I think that all homes that are substantial in size should be built in the way that the minor house was. It is elegant both by nature and by choice.

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