Reese McDonald • Farrington Field • Blog Two

Farrington Field was the home field for my high school’s football field. The concrete cathedral was completed in 1939 and was where my mother cheered in high school and where my brother and I played football together. The stadium was erected in honor of a group of orphan children who miraculously won the Texas state championship in the early 1930s. The stadium is a staple in the Fort Worth community and I have many fond memories of both watching and playing football there. I very much enjoyed the historical aspect of the stadium and game days were particularly special because of the old school nature of the locker room and other facilities. It was much like stepping back in time. Unfortunately, the stadium is soon to be demolished. I am so grateful to be one of the last few players to play in the stadium. The stadium was simple and entirely concrete. However, it had beautiful facades of players in leather helmets and early-twentieth century uniforms. I think it’s a shame to replace it.

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