Reece Reinke: Choctaw Metropolitan Library – Blog 3

The Choctaw Metropolitan library is where my mother would take my brother and I every Saturday to go checkout books. I usually checked out a book about space and my brother checked out a book on dinosaurs. We would then rush to one of the nearby desks and start to read the books. We would speed read through the book and then grab another, we did this until lunch time. Then we would check out the book we liked most from our speed read session and go home.

The Choctaw Metropolitan library was renovated when I started going to the library regularly. The building was the only modern designed building I had regular contact with. It showed the minimalist styles of the modern era in a town that was still dressed in 60s garb. The library was a pillar of change that showed the old dreary town that the modern era was upon us. I embraced the design of the library and have had a sweet spot for modern design ever since.

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