Payton Torres, Pi Beta Phi, Blog Post 3

This is the Pi Beta Phi Sorority house in Norman Oklahoma. Pi Beta Phi was built in 1958 and is the home to 91 members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. My freshman year of college I decided I wanted to join a sorority. As I went through recruitment I choose to be a part of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Going through recruitment, the Pi Beta Phi house was my favorite and was ultimately a deciding factor into which sorority I wanted to join. This house really stood out in my eyes because of the traditional style sorority house with the tall pillars in the front. I loved the lawn and the red brick color of the house as well. This building is so special to me because I got to live in it my sophomore year of college with 90 of my best friends. My friends and my favorite things to do in the house was sit on the couches downstairs and just talk for hours. We made so many memories in this house that I will never forget. This building will always have a special place in my heart.

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