Payton Torres, Bizzell Memorial Library, Blog Post 1

This is the Bizzell Memorial Library. The students that go to the University of Oklahoma refer to this building as the “Biz” when talking about it. The Biz is a five story brick structure located in the center of OU’s campus. The biz was built in 1927 and it is the main place on campus OU graduate and undergraduate students go to study or do homework. The first time I saw the biz I was so surprised with how unique looking it was. The design of the building is very intricate makes me feel joyful to look at and admire. The biz is a special place in my eyes because I am studying at the biz at least three times every week. The biz makes me feel relaxed and calm when I am doing homework or studying for a test. The one thing I like about the biz the most is that there are so many different places in the biz that you can go to depending on what work you need to complete that day. One spot in the biz you can go to is called the “bookmark”. The bookmark is the place where you can study and talk at the same time, which is really useful when working on a group project. On the contrast, the “Great Reading Room” is a room at the biz where you can go to study in silence, without any distractions. The biz gives off great energy and is a building I will never forget.

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