Olivia Kubes-Pantheon-Blog 3

I thought traveling to Paris was a dream come true but Italy blew Paris out of the water for me. I was very fortunate to be able to study abroad with PLC to Italy last summer. I have already been thinking about when I can go again because it was a trip of a lifetime. This blog is about the pantheon and wow was it an interesting building. The pantheon was super bright and natural inside and I felt like I was still outside yet in the shade. This was because there are no windows in the pantheon and there is a massive hole /opening at the top of the dome like structure that allows the natural light and nature inside. The Pantheon was carved so perfectly and had geometric patterns throughout the whole structure. The Pantheon was actually first built to honor all Gods and the hole in the top was to connect the people to the gods. I thought the pantheon would just be another basic building but once I walked inside and saw the masterpiece with my own eyes I was taken aback by the tranquility and beauty. I had a sense of peace and curiosity. The pantheon was built so long ago that no one truly knows when it was built. It amazes many architects because the building is still standing today and has survived so much. Many buildings that are close to the Pantheons age have not survived and it’s amazing that the Pantheon did and the condition that it is in is still incredible. The Pantheon is massive and made me feel small but in a good way. It made me reflect and have a sense of calmness and peace. I was able to just walk and look up and feel good and happy. I think the design is incredible and amazing and if it has lasted this long, I have no doubt that it has many many years to stay standing. (I took this picture myself!)

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