Olivia Kubes-Notre-Dame Paris-Blog 1

When I was younger I had always dreamed of going to Paris and seeing all of the sites. Paris is so beautiful in movies and in person and is nick named the city of love and the city of lights. I was so eager to see the beautiful city for myself and got the chance to when I graduated high school. I was expecting the Eiffel Tower to have the greatest impact on me because ever since I was a little girl I wanted to see it. I was actually impacted more by both Notre-Dame and The Palace of Versailles. I will be talking about Notre Dame in this blog. Notre-Dame is a medieval Catholic cathedral and was consecrated to the Virgin Mary. I myself am catholic and have been fortunate enough to go to mass in many famous catholic churches including Notre-Dame. Because I am catholic I am able to feel closer to my own personal faith when I attend mass in beautiful buildings like Notre-Dame. I had chills the entire time, the sounds and architecture that surrounds ones self when inside would make just about anyone feel at peace and in awe. The way the structure of the building was built allowed voices of the choir to sound extra holy and angelic, and allowed for the priest to also be heard throughout the whole church as if someone were speaking straight from the heavens. Attending mass there is an experience I will never forget and luckily I was able to see Notre-Dame before the fire that occurred. Thankfully, they are working hard on restoring the gorgeous building. I thought I would feel quite normal inside of Notre-Dame and I thought it would be like any other church, but I was very wrong. As I explained above, the cathedral made me feel at peace and very connected to my personal faith. The sounds, smells, architecture, detail, and stained glass windows took my senses and emotions on a journey. There was so much to look at, I think I could stay there for a month and there could still be some detail I hadn’t seen. Notre-Dame is a masterpiece in many ways and should be visited by all. (I have taken these pictures myself!)

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