New House of Queens Park Blog 1 post 6 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva (Architect) London

This next building is a whole mood of bricks and light contrasting together through glass. When I first saw the New House in Queens Park, in London it honestly reminded me of a jail. The top of the building and most of around it how long columns in box form and the gate around it is a tall brick wall which makes it look enclosed like a cell and jail all together. The rest of the structure as well as the surroundings uses complimentary materials of stone, gravel, brick, and marble to brink everything together. Another reason why this building makes me think of a modern type jail that maybe a rich person might want to do house arrest in.

I myself would not want to live in this house because it would just bring me negative feelings of being trapped inside my own grounds. However, I do like the isolation because it keeps praying eyes away and it provides one with their own privacy from the rest of the people around. They can be in their own house, in the front or backyard and not have to deal with people walking outside or neighbors who want to have meaningless conversation with you.

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