Leia Otterstatter: Blog 2 – National Weather Center

This is the National Weather Center (NWC) and National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL).  I was first introduced to this building in 2014 when I attended the Oklahoma Mesonet Meteorology Camp. Even back then I knew that my passion was meteorology, specifically severe weather phenomenon.  I fell in love with this building!  Fast-forward four years and I am back in Oklahoma studying meteorology at the building that is known all over the world and is the epicenter of weather.

This is a beautiful building houses the National Severe Storms Laboratory, National Weather Service, Oklahoma Mesonet, Storm Prediction Center, as well as classrooms for the University of Oklahoma’s School of Meteorology students. One of the classrooms is even on the roof of the NWC!  This allows students to experience the weather phenomenon that we study in the real world.

My outlook on this building has shifted slightly.  I used to see it as this magical place that I could see myself potentially work in one day.  Even though I still believe that, it has a more serious feeling now that I am a student and take classes in this building.  However, every time I enter this building, I think back to 2014 and cannot believe that I get the privilege to study meteorology at the National Weather Center as a student at the University of Oklahoma.

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