Leia Otterstatter – Blog 1: Mari Ito’s Science Hills Komatsu

In Komatsu, Japan, Mari Ito designed this 6,063 square-meter science museum in 2013.  The museum is created using curved concrete covered in grass to get the illusion of four rolling hills.  Visitor’s are even able to roam and explore these man-made grass hills.  Ito’s plan was to integrate landscape and architecture into one central location.  It even serves as a public park to the city of Komatsu.

The reinforced concrete provides support for the building and was left exposed internally and externally.  This image below shows the underside of one of the rolling hills.  Because of the grass on the rooftop, there is additional insulation that is provided throughout the building. The elements of the building allow for natural light, shade, protection from the elements, and proper drainage.  As Ito said while designing the building, “the rooftop curve serves as a sweeping canopy controlling light and also drains rain water into a reservoir for planting irrigation.”  This allows the building to be more efficient and use less resources than most; making it an environmentally-friendly building.


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