John Malone Blog 1- Notre Dame Basilica of Montreal

The Notre Dame Basilica of Montreal is one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture I have ever been lucky enough to witness. From the outside, its soaring towers seem majestic and intimidating. However, once inside a warm plethora of colors bombard the viewer. I was in Montreal for a cousin’s wedding and we happened to stop by this amazing church. It was my first time inside such a grand cathedral and I was in awe at the craftsmanship of the building. Each column is ornately detailed with different figures and colors, and the height of them draws the eye up to the breathtaking roof. The church is massive inside with multiple side chapels joined to the main nave. It was built in 1829 and the engineering feats that were accomplished to build this grand cathedral still amaze me. While I wasn’t lucky enough to see a service performed, the sheer beauty of the architecture will stay with me forever.

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