Jacob Buchanan-Blog #3-Devon Tower

Located in Oklahoma City stands the tallest building in the state, Devon Tower. Growing up in OKC, I always saw the chase building (located to the right of the Devon Tower) as the tallest building. When you are young, you look at it and think no building could be taller than that right? Well as time passed and I became aware of the taller buildings located around the U.S., I still hadn’t seen one that just towered over everyone. It was always the Chase building or on occasion we visited Dallas and got to see the city. After the Devon Tower was completed I actually visited there and ate at the top of it. It’s actually insane how far you can see from the building and crazier at how far away you can be to see it. Take a look for yourself next time you’re on the rooftop of Volare on Campus Corner.

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