Amazon Spheres. Blog #2

I visited the Amazon Spheres located in Seattle, Washington in June of 2018. The Spheres is a conservatory made up of three glass domes that come together to create one amazing building.

The largest sphere is like a beautiful tree house that is enclosed in a glass, and is temperature controlled. As soon as I walked inside, I was met with a soothing waterfall, a comfortable temperature and lush greenery that was brought in from all over the world. The building made me feel like I was somewhere tropical and was a nice escape from the gloomy and cold Seattle temperature (even though it was June). There are pathways that take you through the various ecosystems and allow visitor to enjoy the plants up close, the pathways even took me to a giant birds nest that hosts meetings for Amazon employees. There is a total of four levels at the Spheres, and the higher I went up to the higher the temperature increased, and the sunshine became more plentiful. At the highest point in the Spheres, II found some lounge chairs and the atmosphere reminded me of taking in some sun in Los Angeles, which was both familiar and calming for me. I enjoyed all the features of this building including the many lounging areas and coffee shop, however the feature that most caught my eye was the vertical garden wall that is in the center of the building and spans all 4 floors, it was beautiful.This is one of the most interesting and unique buildings that I have ever been in. The Spheres were designed to serve as an employee lounge and workspace for Amazon employees, so its limited primarily to Amazon employees. I was fortunate enough to attend with my brother in law and was extremely envious because my work lounge looks nothing like this.

I am absolutely amazed by this ambitious building and loved their innovation to create a space that is both beautiful and functional. I loved going inside the Spheres and wanted to live there!


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