Blog 1 – Emily Elmburg – Holland Hall

Holland Hall was where I went to school from the age of three all the way until my highschool graduation at the age of eighteen. This school was where I encountered some of my greatest friendships, where I achieved some of my biggest goals, and where I found a second home.

Holland Hall is a fairly small school, in the sense that I graduated with a meer class of seventy. Out of these seventy peers, twenty-five of them began at Holland Hall at the age of three with me. I have literally grown up with this tight-knit group of students and they have walked along  beside me through some of my best moments as well as some of my lowest moments. Not only did I know everyone in my grade’s name, but I knew their family and what they were like as a person as well. This also applied for the teachers as well. I was close with a lot of my professors over the years, but there were a handful of faculty members that I was close enough with to text them for advice, sit and cry with them in their office, or go out to lunch with. I felt so known and loved at this place. This school was my community for most of my life.

The building pictured here was specifically where I found my passions, my interests, and my strengths. This is the building that has our sports locker rooms and workout facilities.  Sports were where I found my identity throughout highschool and one of the things that I was known for. To me, everytime I see this building or interact with any relationship that spurred within these walls, it makes me so happy. I feel overjoyed because of everything that these walls gave me; friendships, achievements, memories, and so on and so forth. I could go into detail about all of the great memories that I made at this school, but I can summarize it all by saying that I would not be the person that I am today had it not been for my enrollment at Holland Hall and my involvement in both tennis, field hockey, and cheer.

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