Headington Hall – Josh Benn

Headington Hall is a pretty nice place compared to the towers I spent my freshman year in. As an RA in Headington, I’ve gotten the opportunity to make it my home and gain a few thousand more steps from the immense amount of walking I do to get to the edge of campus where Headington is located. The building though is appealing to look at and live in. The exterior looks like it’ll age much nicer than the towers, but I could be wrong. The interior is classy as hell. Complete with a lobby fireplace that is always on and a statue designed by a master class artist. Everywhere you go in the building, you’ll find high ceilings that give the building a spacious feel. The theatre and game rooms are a little too nice for how little people use them, but tour groups love to look at them. The rooms are spacious and complete with large windows that let in plenty of sunlight and wide views. Basically, if you live in Headington first, you’ll never want to go back to the towers.


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