Hayden Holder, Couch Dorms, Blog 4

My time in the Couch Tower was not enjoyed. Living there felt alien compared to how I was used to living at home. I was not happy to be crammed in a normal sized bedroom with another person and all of the belongings we had decided to drag with us to college. To top that off they decided to supply one bathroom for four people. Do the math it does not work. The building has too many stories as well. There were twelve floors If I remember right and that put me at an awkward position living on the fifth floor. To some people, floor five was not up enough to justify taking up elevator time and space. It is also quite an unattractive building in my opinion. The same colored brick covering every bit of the exterior with windows stacked on top of each other. The only cool thing about it was it being shaped like an x. I was glad to move out of that place.

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