Esther House Blog 1 Post 8 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva (architect) London

The Esther house was my favorite of the buildings created by this architect because this building brings together my roots. The combination of concrete walls, gravel backyard, and the integration of wood and big windows is a connection to me of houses from Mexico and modern houses from The United States. I was born here, however, I am Mexican because of my parents and in Mexico my family lived in houses with big concrete windows and gravel instead of grass. The contrast of wood and big windows brings the aspect of classical and modern aesthetic from The United States which integrates flavor into the buildings.

This combination just made me feel at home with a single photo and brought fond memories. This building alone does not make me feel a negative way nor does it bring bad memories. It just makes me reflect on my past and my memories of Mexico and how I long to go back and visit. Again, the integration of the windows allows natural lighting to come in which can bounce of from the concrete walls allowing it to light up the inside of the house

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