Eric Hernandez – The Alamo – 3

I have family down in San Antonio so I get to visit the city a lot. I have learned a lot about this building and the history behind it is very interesting because it revolves around Texas earning their freedom from Mexico and fighting in the war. The Texans were way outnumbered but they put up an honorable fight. I have taken the tour a few times and one important note was how the Texans were able to turn a mission that was supposed to spread the word of God into a battlefield that they held down. Even though this building isn’t the most interesting piece of architecture or the tallest building in Texas, this structure has a special place in my heart because it is where many people lost their lives fighting for their freedom. The fighters used the building as well as they could to fight off the Mexicans and defend their position. I think the Texans were able to fight off the Mexicans well because they used the architecture of the building, even though they were under siege and outnumbered. 


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