Emily Martinez blog one: OCCC

Oklahoma City Community College

I chose OCCC as one of my buildings because I  learned so much in my college career here and I met the most amazing people. I come from a small town called Pauls valley where I lived my whole life. I was always very shy and never really pushed myself academically or socially. At OCCC, I decided to pursue an associate in chemistry and it showed me what hard work is and how much it pays off.  I learned to be a better student and learned to study more efficiently to which I can proudly say I am using those skills in pursuing my bachelor’s.

I also met the most amazing people in my life here including many friends who to this day we take classes together and I wouldn’t know what I would do without them. I also met people who have taught me to be more patient and have taught me that it’s okay that I am not everyone’s cup of tea.  I met my best friend here, I recently was the maid of honor of her wedding and I am so grateful that I was put in the same class with her that summer. I got the opportunity to have professors who cared, pushed, and showed me I have potential that I didn’t see in myself.

This building also holds some hard memories as well. One summer I was enrolled in a physics 2 class and I wasn’t able to visit my aunt who was very ill in Arkansas. My aunt was someone who was a second mother to me and who I lived with for a year when I was about six. I didn’t have the strength to visit her because it was so heartbreaking to see her like that. I went a couple of times but towards the end, I couldn’t stand to see her in the state she was and how she begged for my siblings and me to stay. I regret this so much to this day because of my selfishness, I lost more time with her. This building reminds me of her because I remember my mom calling me to tell me of her passing when I was there for that summer. I was in a hallway of the building that was semi-secluded and I sat down and just cried. Every time I pass that section of the building it always reminds me of my aunt. It taught me to value the time with your loved ones even if it’s hard, I could have done more for her.

Overall, my experience at OCCC taught me so many things and gave me the opportunity to grow as a person and student. I won’t forget my time there and the people I had the privilege of meeting!



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