Emily Elmburg – Blog 3 – Frank Lloyd Wright – Fallingwater

Fallingwater is arguably the most famous of Wright’s pieces of work because of how highly praised and admired it has been over the years. Not only was it admired by the residences and visitors, but the American Institute of Architects actually named this residence as the “best all-time work of American architecture”.

This house was designed for his friend, Edgar Kaufmann, who requested a holiday home for him and his family. The building began to undergo construction in 1935 and was completed just three years later. Kaufmann requested for the home to face the Bear Run Nature Reserve Waterfall, but Wright outdid his request by actually planting the house on the landmark itself. This house became part of the natural scene because of its natural color palette and its low, horizontal framework. Wright wanted to physically and spiritually embrace the natural world into the daring and evolutionary construction of “the House over the Waterfall”. This residence eventually opened as a museum in 1964.

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