Eagle Ridge Elementary- Matthew Murphy #2

Eagle Ridge is where I went to elementary school here and I believe this place shaped me more than anywhere else.   I love the layout of this place it was like a split level house and once you got to fourth grade you got to go upstairs.  this place is where I lived a lot of my young life.  I can still picture almost every room and playground. the white of the nurse’s office where I would go when I felt sick or the time that I got a staple stuck in my hand.  but what I remember most about the building is the way the outside was designed. it was like it was designed for all the games we would play.   after school me my brother, sister and all our friends would stay and play cops and robbers.  around the school there where three playgrounds and they were at multiple levels allowing you the ability to hide in one and if you had the guts you could jump to a lower level to avoid the “cops”.  the place was set up perfect for the game complete with a jail or pavilion.   my aunt is the vice principal there now and going back fills me with so many good memories of playing games.

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