Devon Tower Blog 1 Yadira Torres

This building is one of the new ones in downtown Oklahoma City as well as the tallest made from glass. It looks like a mirror which reflects the sun making the scenery that much brighter. I fell in love with this building because I makes me think that no matter what the day looks like the beauty of a day can be reflected through this building. That is how I felt when I first saw this building, I was having a bad day after a competition in my high school team and I had gone to the Myraid gardens to clear my mind. I had laid on the grass and looked up into the sky and seeing that building just left me breathless and I was able to forget my doubts of in life.

Recently I went to visit this building again to see it holy glory of reflection and I was sad to see that there were windows boarded up from the bottom floors, middle floors, and one at the very top. In a weird way it felt like someone had hurt the building and it was all patched up. It also brought bad feelings because a thought that maybe someone had fallen out of the windows to hurt themselves. This resulted in a very down moment for me because it was just a sad thought that came to me when looking at the building. Other that than that, this building has made a great impression in my life.

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