Daniel Lee-(Cleveland County YMCA)- Blog #4

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Despite, the plethora of locations situated across the nation, this specific YMCA, played a significant part in my childhood. In this building, I have learned many valuable lessons, ranging from: how I should properly workout, how I should behave in a competitive environment, etc. This building has been a gathering center for various age groups, thus, I have encountered many different types of people, and made a variety of close relationships. When I think of this building, it takes me back to a positive/meaningful time in my life.

Despite the simple exterior, this building is very functional. On the left side, you can see that there is a slightly steep hill going up to the windows. This was specifically designed so that the area under it, can double as a possible tornado shelter. In addition, there are a ton of different amenities (pool, workout room, basketball courts), and was/is a great place to gather.

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