Cole Chronowski – Oz – Blog Post 3

This building comes straight out of the Wizard of Oz. It’s situated in Epic’s Storybook Campus in Verona, Wisconsin. All of the buildings on this campus are based on fairy tales, including an Alice in Wonderland themed building, a Willy Wonka themed building, and this Wizard of Oz themed building. It has a yellow brick road leading to it (of course). I have followed it a few times, although the ‘road’ gets a bit jumbled in the interior.

I find this building to be a bit ugly, personally. Although I don’t remember much about buildings in the Wizard of Oz, I remember the Emerald City being a huge city with tall skyscrapers. This building has a relatively small footprint, and it only includes about four stories (two of which are below ground). It does not have the grandiose height or futuristic nature that I associate with the Emerald City.

To make matters worse, the interior continues the extensive use of green. I get what they were trying to go for, but this building seems just too small. It needs something else to really make it shine. I like the idea, but I think the execution is lacking.

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