Chase Sumner – Woolaroc Museum – Blog #4

The Woolaroc Museum is located near Bartlesville, Oklahoma and was founded by Frank Phillips. The name comes from the combination of what Frank Phillips wanted to preserve in nature ‘Woo-Woods, La-Lakes, Roc-Rocks’. Woolaroc itself is a large nature preserve that expands acres and is home to a range of animals and fauna including a large number of American Bison. The museum is one building in this expansive landscape that is home to numerous artifacts that span centuries. Some of these artifacts include native American artifacts, animal artifacts, and some of the early petroleum industry artifacts that Frank Phillips owned. I went here numerous times when I was a kid and still go every once in a while, now when I am home. I remember how amazing I thought it was, being blown away by the bison walking across the road, and of course how cool the museum was. When it came to the museum, I thought it was always fun to see all the mounted animals as well as some of the pelts that you could touch and feel. When I first visited Woolaroc the thing I remember the most was how amazingly large the blue doors to the museum was. It felt like you were entering a large hall of a castle. I still love to visit the museum and see the new artifacts or areas of the museum as well as visiting the ones that have been there since the first time I went. One of the best parts of Woolaroc is around Christmas time they put up huge light displays all through the park and the museum. It still brings me joy to be able to go every year and see the lights and drink a hot chocolate. Woolaroc will always hold a special place in my heart and it is one of my favorite places to visit.


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