Charlotte Kostecka – Blog 1 – Solera At West Houston

For me, this building has good and bad memories. This is the nursing home my grandmother lived in for 2-3 years and were my mom, aunt, and I visited almost every weekend. The good memories include getting to spend so much quality time with my family and getting to meet the friends my grandmother made while she lived there. Sometimes it was like I had 4 or 5 grandmothers willing to give me advice. The majority of people there were super sweet, and I missed seeing them after my grandmother passed. While I’m not looking to go into the medical field, I learned a lot about nurses and their jobs, how nursing homes are run, and how to stand up for yourself or your family member to make sure they are getting the care they need. The bad memories are mostly associated with my grandmother’s health itself. She had dementia, so there were some days that we visited and she didn’t know who I was. She also fell a lot, so it was hard when I saw her in pain, especially when her health was really bad and she had trouble communicating. All of these memories, the good and bad, I remember every time we drive by Solera on the way to my aunt’s house.


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