Cale Hayes – Blog 2 (Post 4) – The Victor Block

The Victor Block, which is located in downtown Guthrie, was built by Joseph Foucart in 1893. It is a 3 story brick and stone building with a beveled corner entrance. This building has served many purposes over the years. It has been used as things like drugstores, offices, saloons, and liquor businesses. The building was rehabilitated in 1982, and is currently used as some shops, a bed and breakfast, and a couple of restaurants. It also holds an event center, which was Oklahoma’s first four star event center.

The things that stick out to me is how big this building is. It has the capacity to hold multiple businesses, and is even more impressive considering it was built in the 19th century. The beveled entrance is also very cool to me, because even though it is located on a corner, it still feels like you are entering just a normal building. I also love all of the features like the arced windows and the decorations located along the top of the building. I think it is very intriguing that Foucart designed most of the downtown Guthrie area. I have been there a few times, and I absolutely admire all of the buildings that are located down there.

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