Cale Hayes – Blog 2 (Post 2) – Gray Brothers Building


Foucart’s next building that I chose is the Gray Brothers Building. This building was constructed in 1890 and 1893. This building has acted as a number of different purposes. It started as a grocery store, then progressed to the Bank of Indian Territory, then the Oklahoma State Bank. Later it was a barber shop, and is currently the Country Corner Antique business and Treasures and Books stores. There are also many historical moments that have happened in that building such as the town’s first telephone exchange.


When I first look at the building, I notice the fixture at the very front that comes to a point. It reminds me of the Taj Mahal in India. The view from the front is very appealing and beautiful. I really enjoy the differentiation of the brick colors as you go up the building, which is then finished off by the elegant centerpiece. I also notice the smaller fixtures which go all around the top of the building. It reminds me of a medieval castle in that aspect.

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