Cale Hayes – Blog 2 (Post 1) – Co-operative Publishing Company Building



The architect I have been assigned is Joseph Pierre Foucart. While he was born in Belgium, his primary location of architecture was in Oklahoma. The first building I will write about is the Co-operative Publishing Company Building.  This building was designed and completed by Foucart in 1902 after the original building burned down earlier the same year. It was the state capital, and the place of the first newspaper publishing in the Oklahoma Territory. It was sold to a competitor in 1911, and acted as a printing company until the 1980s. In 1983, it opened as the State Capital Publishing Museum. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the museum was forced to shut down in 2012, and hasn’t opened since.

I love the way this building has old-fashioned all brick building. While this looks like most of the buildings designed in this area and time, it still holds up in my opinion. The grand entrance is something so captivating, and one that I would want to go in based on appearance alone. I notice the columns around the top floor, which reminds me of a medieval castle, and I also notice the color, which while it is simple, it seems very powerful.


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