Brooks Inbody- Notre-Dame Cathedral- Blog 4

Shown above is the beautiful Notre-Dame Cathedral, located in Paris, France. This cathedral is a huge tourist attraction, in which many people make a point when visiting Paris to pay respects. After a fire burned part of the cathedral on April 15, 2019, I felt this a great piece of architecture to reflect on. Millions of euros have been collected in hopes of being able to rebuild the cathedral by the summer 2024 Olympics.

The Notre-Dame Cathedral is a very well-known, beautiful piece of architecture. I visited this cathedral my Sophomore year of high school with my sister and my grandparents. The outside of the cathedral is stunning with immense detail and unique shapes and symmetry. I felt dwarfed as I entered the church. In the image shown you can see how small the people inside the church compare to the high ceilings and huge altar. The cathedral has scenes and statues around the edges of the building, which are interesting to study. There are a lot of pews, which allow for a large amount of people to attend mass. I felt at peace when I entered this piece of history and was overcome by a sense of holiness.

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