Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog 2 (Post 3)- Wisma Dharmala Sakti Office Headquarters

This Wisma Dharmala Sakti office is located in Indonesia, specifically in the city of Jakarta. The construction of this building took place between 1982-1990. This building goes up 26 floors. It is made up of concrete and steel. There are white tile covering the concrete. This tile prevents the mold that can come with the hot and wet weather conditions of Jakarta. Today, there are some plants on the slants on the outside of the building.

I also really like this building. I like the modern and sleek look that it has. I think the white tile on covering the concrete makes the building look clean. I also like that the people are beginning to put plants on the outside of the building. This falls more in line with sustainable and green buildings that are gaining more popularity. I like that this building has a repetitiveness and pattern to it. This pattern draws me in and is appealing to the eye.

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