Brian Le – Blog Four – Space Needle, SEA

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The Space Needle in Seattle is a large observation tower in Seattle, Washington. The building was opened in 1962 and has served as an emblem of innovation for the American Northwest. Upon more research, I found out that the Needle is as durable as it is innovative; it’s able to withstand forces of nature such as Category 5 hurricanes and 9.0 magnitude earthquakes. Considering how massive and relatively thin the building is, this is a shocking feat to me. It makes me realize just how much architects must work closely with people like engineers and physicists to make sure a building does not falter due to poor design, because the consequences could be deadly. 

Upon seeing this building in real life, I really wondered how tall you could construct a sustainable building. I visited this building during the summer of 2015. Up until that point in my life, I had never gotten the opportunity to visit a truly giant building. This was the first building that made me realize why things like observation decks are so popular (and expensive). The building looked like something out of a science fiction novel to me, which I feel was intentional by the futuristic architectural style. Given the chance, I would definitely love to revisit this building and bring my friends there to experience the same feelings that I did on the top of the Space Needle’s skydeck. It is truly a surreal experience.

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