Brent Payne Blog #4 Couch Center

Couch Center is one fo the freshmen dorm buildings at OU. I spent my first two semesters at OU living in a dorm on the ninth floor of the couch center. Overall, I had a positive experience in the dorms, though it was very different than how I lived in the past. I had never had to share a room growing up so freshman year at college I had my first ever roommate. Luckily we got along very well. However, it was certainly an adjustment getting used to living in the same room with someone else.

Though the most memorable parts of living in the dorms are the friends I have made. My current roommate and many of my closest friends are people I met on my floor or somewhere else in Couch. For all its faults, the dorms is certainly a college-must experience. I am glad that I experienced living in the dorms as it gave me many good memories, but I am also certainly glad to no longer be living in those conditions.

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