Brent Payne Blog #2 Westview High School

This is a picture of my high school (library in pic). Unlike many of the high schools I’ve seen while here in Oklahoma/Texas, mine was not one large building but rather a collection of many. Growing up in San Diego, the weather is fairly temperate year-round so you can walk outside. We had no inside hallways, and our cafeteria/eating area was semi-covered, but completely outside. Though no one was really complaining, because who doesn’t love spending time in the sun. The school was certainly a reflection of the student body; outdoor-loving and with a southern California type of lifestyle. The campus is filled with palm trees and grassy areas and is overall very green.

I would actually say I had a great high school experience. It was on this campus that I met many lifelong friends, made friends with some of my favorite teachers, and made many lasting memories. I was relatively involved on campus, so I spent a lot of time here. Whether with sports, clubs, school or just hanging out with friends. I have gone back a few times now to say hi to people from schools and meet back up with my teachers. I am proud of my time in high school and my high school in general.

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