Brent Payne Blog #1 My House

This is my childhood home. I many of my fondest memories from growing up happened in or around this house. I have lived in the same house my entire life. Though it has changed greatly during my tenure there. My home has gotten two additions to it, first when I was four adding two bedrooms and a bathroom, and next when I was eleven that made the kitchen and master bedroom larger. However, the work is never done at the Payne residence as the backyard is currently under construction with no official end date in sight. There is always something going on at home with a family of six and a dog. my house was never all that quiet.

I am really appreciative of where I was able to grow up and the experiences I had in my home. I always enjoy coming back during school breaks. it will always be what I consider to be my home. Directly behind my house is a nature preserve, but I often treated it as my second backyard. I spend much of my time when I was younger playing back there and it was always a favorite of mine and my friends. My home was probably the most influential building of my childhood, and I am appreciative of it.

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