Blog Three – My High School – Cascia Hall

This school holds a very special place in my heart. I grew up around this school most of my life. My older siblings went to it, and so did I. My house is two blocks down the road as well. The first time, and every time, I look at this place with amazement. This school has taught me so much and has helped shaped who I am today. I attended this school since 6th grade and all the way through high school. I loved it the whole way. It is a Catholic school, where I learned so much about my faith. I met my best friends there, and some of my favorite teachers that I will ever have. Cascia Hall was founded in 1926 and is one of the two only Catholic schools in Tulsa. This place is not only special to me, but the school itself is also awesome looking. It is so beautiful, and in my opinion, it is the most beautiful school in the state of Oklahoma.

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