Matt Stone Post 3 – Mayo Hotel

For my third blog post I will be discussing the Mayo Hotel in downtown Tulsa, OK. This hotel has some major history behind it, starting with being originally built in 1925. Many famous people have stayed here, including John F. Kennedy, Babe Ruth, and Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Bob Seger, and more. In the 1980’s, an attempted renovation started but never finished and it left the hotel unoccupied and torn apart. It was again renovated in 2003 and was completed in 2009. Many of the main parts of the hotel were kept and redone in its original form from 1925 like the lobby and its chandeliers.

I first visited this building in 5th grade on a downtown tour with my class while it was in the process of being renovated. I have visited one other time after it was done being renovated and I was impressed by how different it looked from before and how much nicer it was.  It is one of downtown Tulsa’s most famous and unique establishments and has been for quite some time.



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