Blog Four- Danna Flores- Thurman J. White Forum


Thurman J. White Forum, is located directly behind Couch restaurants on the University of Oklahoma’s campus.  My first encounter with this building was 3 years ago, where I found myself lost walking inside trying to find where I was suppose to be. For me, this building has been full of happy memories, because this is where many multicultural  events happen and also conferences that I feel have really impacted my time here at OU .  What drives me to write about this building is the layout of the building.  To me, the layout of is a bit confusing, the rooms are in shape of a honey combs and if you were to see a top view of the layout it looks like honey combs connected together to make on larger building. Overall, it’s not the most eye appealing building but I would like to know the reason behind the design of this building!

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