Blog 8 Olivia Kubes Zaha Hadid Building 4

Guangzhou Opera House,© Iwan Baan

For my fourth building by Zaha Hadid I chose to blog about the Guangzhou Opera House in China. This building has a very unique and eye catching design. I wanted to blog about this building because it looked super dimensional and was beautiful at night. I thought it looked really well for its surroundings as well and incorporated them nicely. This building opens towards the pearl river and looks so cool in doing so. This building serves as an opera house like it tells you in its name. Because it is an opera house it has all of the newest and best musical technology and sound/acoustics inside. The design of the building incorporated nature a lot. This building is supposed to kind of mimic an eroded river valley. This building also has Zaha’s touch because it is future forward, cultural, and urban, which are all some things she is known for incorporating. Like the other buildings of Zaha’s that I have blogged about, this building was also made from mostly steel, concrete, and glass. I think the way these buildings are able to twist and curve is so cool and mesmerizing. I think these are what the buildings of the future look like and they are beautiful and inspiring. I had a great time researching Zaha Hadid and her work, she is inspiring herself and I learned a lot through writing these blogs.


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