Blog 6 Olivia Kubes Zaha Hadid Building 2

Antwerp Port House,©  Helene Binet

For my second building by Zaha Hadid I chose to blog about the Antwerp Port House. This buildings purpose was to bring together 500 workers that previously worked in separate buildings. This is a new headquarters for the port and is built on a fire station. Antwerp is a thriving are with lots of shipping and transporting going on. It is constantly growing and they realized that they needed to have a central building for those in the technical and administrative services in order for them to continue expansion and growth and to work together. They wanted the building to match their sustainability and future forward thinking. There was a contest for who would build this building and Zaha Hadid won. She interpreted the old fire station into the project and made the headquarters and it was everything they were looking for. They were looking for a design that incorporated both the new and the old and wanted the vertical design of the old building incorporated. Zaha Hadid did just that and more. The building “ripples like waves” and I personally think it is magnificent from what I can tell by pictures. This building is also very sustainable and energy efficient. This building was made out of mainly glass steel and concrete. construction began in 2012. Catch me here if I ever go to Antwerpen, Belgium!


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