Blog 5 – Minori Matsuzawa – Pulkovo Airport by Grimshaw Architects

Pulkovo Airport is located in St. Petersburg, Russia. The building was designed by Grimshaw Architects, and the construction was completed in 2014. 

The architects recognized the importance of an airport as a gateway to the city and sought to reflect the cultural identity of St. Peterburg. The building was also designed to adapt to the extreme climate in Russia. The flat roof structure helps to distribute the weight of the snow in winter.  The faceted geometric shape of the ceiling was inspired by the patterns of snowflakes. The shape also helps to drain runoff from melting snow. The ceiling also has skylights to let in natural light to the terminal buildings. The gold color of the ceiling is a reference to the gold dome of St. Issac’s Cathedral, and the reflection of the architects’ attempt to make this modern building a part of St. Petersburg. 


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